Monday, October 11, 2010

My Greatest Accomplishment in Second Life is ...

I  thinks dat somethings that I accomplished in mine times in sl is dat I changed alots, from bad to better... I thinks im more capable nows of doin whats i wants n needs compared to whats other people want n need, sometimes i still struggles wif dat though. I have a greats family where I finally feels like im at home and safe and thats an accomplishment too.. I think mostly thoughs mine self confidence is growins and dats the best one because It really sucked afore nows it jus kinna sucks :D  It's hard to pick accomplishments because i dunt really think ive hads any cept for maybe steppin outta mine box a bit more... I thinks mine mommy  jus likes to makes us thinks about stuff and her sees stuffs  in us that isnt theres ors we cant see.

1 comment:

  1. Love you Kenzie... I actually accomplished meeting such a great person in you, who lifted me up when things got tough and I can't thank you enough <3 You believed in me :)
