Wednesday, October 13, 2010

MIne Overall sperience at mine Howse

Fer me this assignment is really hard because I had to open up and lets people in dat I dunno if I would normally, I hadda answer questions about our life and how we lives and show people parts of us that we don't normally show to others that arent close and that scares me . It was wierd trying to answer questions about whats I feel every day and  come to love n knows  its hard for me to do that, so well it turned out goods , it also scared me , Im not as outgoing as mine brothers, when it comes to this stuff, so I dreaded it, I don't like talkin in fronta big crowds eithers.. but I thinks mine mommy already knowed that which is why her made us first , Its hard already sharing them with 250 more kids, but letting people get closer scared me, Its like even though I knows we is goods and stuff that didnt scare me .. but letting people in did. Anyways this assignment turned out pretty well and everyone was really cool i kinda ended up liking the assignment but dunt tells mine mommy kays?

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