Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How having an egg affected mine sl life and responsibilities to others

This egg effecteds mine life acuz it was really hards to do stuff I normally did like dance or ridins mine bikes and eben eatins, I hadda always makes sure where it was , and if it was wifin ten meters da wholeee times ands I couldnt do normal stuffs like eats, or anything acuz it would detach, It made mine sponsibilitys more difficult acuz i hadda pay more attentions and if you knows me you knows mine attention spans isnt alla dat great and I jumps from subject to subject alots , so it was extra hard to double check plus i couldnt detatch it to do whats i needed to dus for dance acuz it woulda been farther away thens normal, its really was more ubs a pains den anyfing but we hads funs times too, I mades it a bed like up dere in dat pictures
and it came to school wifs me ands we taughts it how to go scare peoples acuz thats what we  learned at mine other class.. and den it made mine sponsibilitys to another class hard acuz they was doin the same project and it made it  hards  acuz one would break da other one  an dis is me and it jus sittin in our yards. him was sleepy dat day .. anyways  this  experience is alot harders thens i thoughts it would be and mades me realize i dunno iffins im a goods parent.

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