Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Favorite Trait

My favorite trait I guess really isnt a trait at all but its almos everythings its called voice or spunk, I am different jus asks anyone dat knows me, Its jus being me, I dunnos I can't pick a trait, I am good and bad at lotsa stuff I dont gots a favorite really, but Im really nice, I gots mine mommy dancing jeans and mine daddys shyness and quietness, buts Im spunky Im likes adventures and gettin in trouble sometimes jus happens, I likes makin new friends, sploring and havin fun hangin out, I can goes from bein a snuggle bug to bein a terror in under a minute, I , I haves good moments and bad moments, I hate feelings, and I hates self confidence, I dont like talking about them either, all in all im just me and thats whats mine favorite trait is,being spunky or hasin voice .. Makins people remember whens dey meets me even iffin its nota nice experience . Spunkiness is a awesome trait acuz its a mix of everything.