Monday, October 4, 2010

"If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be"

Iffin i could go anwares  in dis whole big entires world it would be to da leaning tower of pizza I dunt means dat fakes ones either I mead da reall leanin tower of pizza acuz I think it would be awesomes ana half to see a tower made of pizza standin on boxes, and apparentlys some other peeps do because theres lotsa copies out there  .. Sides dusnt dat jus looks yummy and who dusnt like pizza I finks dey would gibes out free slices or sumfins maybe , I jus really likes it and it reminds me ub mien brudder acuz i finks he would go theres too, * grins big* licks her lips jus finkin bout alla dis pizza makin me hungry. Anyways isnt dat coolest place eber.


  1. *giggles*... sends me a BIG care package of some of dere pizza! I LOVESSSSSSSSS Pizza!
