Monday, September 27, 2010

My First Day In Miss Jills Class

 Today was the first day in class, ands I thinks I was kinna scared acuz I dunno alot of peoples asides mine bruther n stuff, I finked alot about makin new friends but everyones in da class is super nice ands  We hada makes dis blog :D at least I already knowed how to do that because I has to in mine other class too. I am soo  excited to bes in dis class because not onlys is mine brothers n  niece in dis class I getta makes new friends.. I hided cookies in mine desk too acuz cookies always makes everyone feel betters specially whens you upsets or worried, I finks mommy calls dat comferts food  giggles n closes mine blog for now acuz im posta be paying attentions.


  1. Smiles honor to meet you and love your first post. This is AngelSkye Speaking giggles.

  2. *giggles* wish i knew about tha cookies but then again i wasnt paying attenshun wen i was riting my blog post too. yay for ms jills class. glad ur in it with us. :D
