Monday, October 18, 2010

If I had a super power it would be

Iffins I hadda choose a super power it would be being invisible because, then I could do stuff and never get caught, and I could sneaks in n see what people really dus ands noone would be able to finds me because they couldnt see me, which is prolly the best part of the whole super power, plus being invisible I could totally sneaks up on da bad dudes and bust em wifout them even knowin im comin it would totally rock

Friday, October 15, 2010

If I was stuck on a Deserted Island in sl who would I choose and Why

I think Ms Jill is trying to be tricky heres  buts iffins i was stucks ona deserted island with three people , I think its not zackly easy to picks acuz I would wants alot of people with me.. but Two of them would hasta be mine parents because , Who doesn't need thier parents alla the time, besides, im not allowed to plays wif  matches or fire so sumone would hasta be ables to dat , and comes to thinks bout it I cant cook either so they would hasta do that, and for nights when it got scary and darks , then i wouldnt be afraids because mommy n daddy always makes me not afraids. So Id have to take them ,  And then I couldnt choose between my brothers so Id take a friend too I dont want to be da only kid, ands i cant  chose atween family, so a friend prolly mine bestie or something  we have to be able to be entertained n stuff and we is always laffins so it would be good to has sum entertainment bein trapped ona island would get rather boring. So dat would be mine three people I thinks...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

MIne Overall sperience at mine Howse

Fer me this assignment is really hard because I had to open up and lets people in dat I dunno if I would normally, I hadda answer questions about our life and how we lives and show people parts of us that we don't normally show to others that arent close and that scares me . It was wierd trying to answer questions about whats I feel every day and  come to love n knows  its hard for me to do that, so well it turned out goods , it also scared me , Im not as outgoing as mine brothers, when it comes to this stuff, so I dreaded it, I don't like talkin in fronta big crowds eithers.. but I thinks mine mommy already knowed that which is why her made us first , Its hard already sharing them with 250 more kids, but letting people get closer scared me, Its like even though I knows we is goods and stuff that didnt scare me .. but letting people in did. Anyways this assignment turned out pretty well and everyone was really cool i kinda ended up liking the assignment but dunt tells mine mommy kays?

How having an egg affected mine sl life and responsibilities to others

This egg effecteds mine life acuz it was really hards to do stuff I normally did like dance or ridins mine bikes and eben eatins, I hadda always makes sure where it was , and if it was wifin ten meters da wholeee times ands I couldnt do normal stuffs like eats, or anything acuz it would detach, It made mine sponsibilitys more difficult acuz i hadda pay more attentions and if you knows me you knows mine attention spans isnt alla dat great and I jumps from subject to subject alots , so it was extra hard to double check plus i couldnt detatch it to do whats i needed to dus for dance acuz it woulda been farther away thens normal, its really was more ubs a pains den anyfing but we hads funs times too, I mades it a bed like up dere in dat pictures
and it came to school wifs me ands we taughts it how to go scare peoples acuz thats what we  learned at mine other class.. and den it made mine sponsibilitys to another class hard acuz they was doin the same project and it made it  hards  acuz one would break da other one  an dis is me and it jus sittin in our yards. him was sleepy dat day .. anyways  this  experience is alot harders thens i thoughts it would be and mades me realize i dunno iffins im a goods parent.

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Greatest Accomplishment in Second Life is ...

I  thinks dat somethings that I accomplished in mine times in sl is dat I changed alots, from bad to better... I thinks im more capable nows of doin whats i wants n needs compared to whats other people want n need, sometimes i still struggles wif dat though. I have a greats family where I finally feels like im at home and safe and thats an accomplishment too.. I think mostly thoughs mine self confidence is growins and dats the best one because It really sucked afore nows it jus kinna sucks :D  It's hard to pick accomplishments because i dunt really think ive hads any cept for maybe steppin outta mine box a bit more... I thinks mine mommy  jus likes to makes us thinks about stuff and her sees stuffs  in us that isnt theres ors we cant see.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Favorite Trait

My favorite trait I guess really isnt a trait at all but its almos everythings its called voice or spunk, I am different jus asks anyone dat knows me, Its jus being me, I dunnos I can't pick a trait, I am good and bad at lotsa stuff I dont gots a favorite really, but Im really nice, I gots mine mommy dancing jeans and mine daddys shyness and quietness, buts Im spunky Im likes adventures and gettin in trouble sometimes jus happens, I likes makin new friends, sploring and havin fun hangin out, I can goes from bein a snuggle bug to bein a terror in under a minute, I , I haves good moments and bad moments, I hate feelings, and I hates self confidence, I dont like talking about them either, all in all im just me and thats whats mine favorite trait is,being spunky or hasin voice .. Makins people remember whens dey meets me even iffin its nota nice experience . Spunkiness is a awesome trait acuz its a mix of everything.

Monday, October 4, 2010

"If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be"

Iffin i could go anwares  in dis whole big entires world it would be to da leaning tower of pizza I dunt means dat fakes ones either I mead da reall leanin tower of pizza acuz I think it would be awesomes ana half to see a tower made of pizza standin on boxes, and apparentlys some other peeps do because theres lotsa copies out there  .. Sides dusnt dat jus looks yummy and who dusnt like pizza I finks dey would gibes out free slices or sumfins maybe , I jus really likes it and it reminds me ub mien brudder acuz i finks he would go theres too, * grins big* licks her lips jus finkin bout alla dis pizza makin me hungry. Anyways isnt dat coolest place eber.