Wednesday, September 29, 2010

If I could fix second life I would...

Ifs I could fix second life I would definatly fix the lag issues, and the crashing all the times acuz that just sucks. I would makes a viewer dat ll accepted dat didnt has crashing issues or uploading issues, and makes alla the databases so that thier was no problems. I would also make clear rules abouts child avies, and whats they can and can't do and makes it a law that they can't be banned from sims jus based on a misunderstanding of what they is abouts, everyones would be treated fairlys and iffins you didn't wells den we dunt need any prejiduces peoples arounds. I finks dat it would be cools to makes sim crossing easier so you dont crash eberytimes anddsss makes it so you see alla the textures alla times.. dats what id fix about da programs . Abouts lifes in second life wells I thinks rights nows dats pretty perfects for me So i wouldnt fixes dats.

1 comment:

  1. oooh i like that about child avis. theres a pg club i know of that doesnt allow child avis. 0.0 Doesnt make any sense. But thay allow...oh u dont wanna no. So yah lets clear any false misconsepshuns about child avatars cuz moss of us ar way cool n follow rules n stuff.
